Blog post 1

Everyone has a unique Personal Learning Network made up of people and resources both online and offline that are essential for learning and understanding new information. With technology becoming increasingly essential in our daily lives, the usefulness of the online parts of our learning networks also become essential. In fact, many people use technology as a main part of their profession, whether it’s in computer sciences, design, or teaching. It is also useful in getting a job, as websites like have become easy ways to find future employers/employees. In fact, that is how I found my current job.

With Covid-19, the use of technology has become extremely important and the switch from in-person to online teaching, working, and simply living means we must rely on the online parts of our learning networks more than ever. We are learning how to live, work, and learn remotely, which would be incredibly difficult without online resources.

Networking using social media is something most people do on a daily basis. Through applications like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, we can retrieve information from messages, posts and videos, and we can also connect with other people that can help us learn new things. Social media is a huge part of PLN’s as it breaks barriers, allowing for people to gather information from all over the world.

Learning and engaging using online platforms has become incredibly easy for the most part. Some websites are made for simply sharing information and having one-way connections where the user learns from the creator’s media. A prime example of this is YouTube videos. Although the platform is made mostly for entertainment, it is also a great place to find videos on topic you want to learn about. On the other end, people can teach to a much larger audience by creating and uploading these videos. Online platforms can also be used for two-way communication and learning. Many of us have used FaceTime or Skype so talk to people from a distance. Applications like these have become increasingly useful in learning. The application Zoom is one that the majority of students know about or have used in online learning environments recently. The application is an easy way to have a typical classroom environment, where the teacher teaches to the entire class all at the same time, but can also tell people to break up into groups and collaborate and share ideas with one another. The only difference is that everyone is learning remotely, but they still learn the way one would learn in the classroom. This allows for everyone to be safe during this pandemic but still learn what they would have learned had this pandemic not occured.

Although we have had the technology necessary to network online to learn for many years now, it has only become frequently used in learning environments recently. This could simply be because the technology that we use now is much more streamlined and the ease of use isn’t something that would have been possible 20 years ago. For many, the main reason why they prefer gathering information from the internet is because it is much more convenient than finding the information they need through physical media like books. The difference between trying to find a book with the information you need by going to a book store or library and looking it up online in the comfort of your own home is one that motivates many people to do everything online. Even buying groceries can be done online and is much more convenient. In some situations we can’t leave the house and those are our only options for learning, and if we could choose between looking for a book on a specific topic by going to libraries to see if there might be a book on the topic or looking up the information online or simply looking up a book on the topic and ordering it, the obvious choice would be the latter.

The rewards of public communications are obvious, as we gain more information in whatever way we choose through whatever means possible and we connect with others who may share the same interests and can therefore become a part of our learning network. However, the internet can be incredibly unsafe. As Boyd’s (2012) post explains, our data and privacy is networked. A breach in our privacy can be a breach in another person’s privacy. Boyd explained how services like 23 and me are a prime example of this. You may learn a lot about your heritage, but in doing so you learn information about your relatives and ancestors, and possibly information they don’t want you to know about or don’t even know about themselves. Knowing this, we have to be careful about what we do online, as it could put us or someone else in danger.

Overall, our personal learning networks are changing to become dominated by online media, which can be incredibly useful and essential in learning and growing as a person and in our profession. Social media is an easy way to not only gather information, but to connect with more people who could also share key information in our learning. Online media is generally much easier to access across the globe in comparison to physical media, which means we are more inclined to rely on online resources.


Boyd, D. (2012). Networked Privacy. Surveillance & Society, 10(3/4), 348-350. Retrieved from

Gutierrez, K. (2016). What are Personal Learning Networks? Retrieved from

Krakoff, S. (n.d.). The Importance of Networking. Retrieved from

Rajagopal, K., Brinke, D. J., Bruggen, J. V., & Sloep, P. B. (2012). Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them. First Monday, 17(1). Retrieved from

University of Southampton. (n.d.). What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)? Retrieved from



  1. xiaoqiwang

    This is a very insightful post Callie! I totally agree with the idea that technology has become one of the most essential tools that we needed today. In fact, I am wondering what is going to happen if COVID-19 happened during the time that technology is not yet developed. I am pretty sure that the education sector would opt to stop the operation of schools for a while or just promote homeschool. I also agree with the idea that there a lot of websites and applications today that can aid learning. In addition to apps and websites, technology also enables one to be in community of people who can help him/her. Just as Boyd (2012) said, our data and privacy and networked. Hence, connecting with people, even if we are physically separated from one another due to social distancing and quarantine, is not that challenging these days.

  2. chunlin

    Hello Callie,

    I think your blog post is very clear and informative for me! I really enjoy reading it. I agree that due to this COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of people begun to rely more on online technologies because most of them need to work or study directly from home remotely. Actually, I found it is much more convenient and flexible for me to study at home because I can decide my own study schedules directly by myself. Also, all the online tools that you shared in your post for the learning are useful and effective. For example, personally, I have used YouTube to watch tutorial videos for a long time and I found those tutorial videos or lecture videos are quite useful. Most important, they are free! Also, the professors of most of my online courses during this semester use Zoom to provide synchronous online teaching. I definitely agree that our personal learning networks are changing right now and social media plays a quite important and valuable role in our education.


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